How to Improve Your Website’s SEO
How to Pull Some Rank
Getting your website higher up in search engine rankings is not an overnight occurrence. Especially if your site is new, you can expect it to take a little time – often several months. Here are some tips that will help boost your presence organically, and can expedite the process.
Develop Your Content
- Add new, relevant content to your website frequently.
- Drive traffic to your website with a blog integrated into it – this will ensure it stays fresh.
- Remove duplicated content from your website.
- Create a dedicated page for every service or product you sell. This way the user is taken directly to the content they were searching for at the search engine
Style Your Content
- Use Header tags and content structure appropriately; call attention to the right words.
- Link keywords you want to emphasize instead of words like Click here to learn more about those keywords.
Use Social Platforms
- Set up any relevant social networks and link them back to your site. Consider LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Yelp, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.
- Use social sharing buttons on your site.
Meta Data
- Consider and update your page titles and keywords. Naming your pages with titles that actually make sense of the content will drive traffic there.
- Use Metatags to describe your content for each page. Limit the descriptions to 160 characters or less. Make each page different!
- Use Permalinks to call your pages, not page ID’s. Permalinks with page names are searchable, whereas page ID’s are not.
- Remove flash. Search engines can’t read it and will skip over it.
- Give your images tags to define what they are depicting.
- Don’t make images of words, especially if the content is comprised of relevant keywords.
Paid Search
Of course if you’re in a big hurry to drive traffic to your website, consider using Google AdWords, Facebook advertising, or other such paid methods.
Ask for Help
Don’t waste valuable time losing potential traffic to your site because you don’t have time, or don’t know what to do. If you need help implementing these types of changes to your website – call us at (504) 324-9569!
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